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As a Disabled People’s Organizations, and a network of disability organizations, NPdO has been guided by the principles, of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and optimum utilization of resources and funds with ensuring transparent and accountable practices. In order to ensure best management practices among its members and counterparts, NPdO has set bench marks and guidelines through Human Resource Policy, Child Protection, Non-Discrimination Policy and finance management policies.

Human Resource Policy
As an organization NPdO is committed to bring the best practices, in its organizational functioning and management. NPdO believes that the team members in the organization who have been working for the organization since its foundation or those who have joined late and those who will join in future, are the assets for the organization. At the same time it is also essential for the organization that the team is guided by the best practices in the sector. These forms the basics of Human Resource System to be in place and get implemented.

HIV Policy (Non-Discrimination)
NPdO is working in Andhra Pradesh on the issues of disability and has realized it mainstream HIV and AIDS in the core functioning of the organization to safeguard the rights of differently abled persons. NPdO is committed to making a strong statement through a HIV infected people and people with AIDS and not allows any discriminatory action in the provision of services and employment. This policy will cover all layers, of staff and board members as stated in the Human Resource Policy.

Finance Management Policy
To ensure transparent and accountable practices in the organizational finance management, the organization has developed a Finance Management policy. The policy is a guideline for carrying out financial transactions of the organization and book keeping practices to ensure best accountable practices in its management.

Gender Equity Policy
As per the constitution of the organization, it has mandated 50 % opportunities for the women with disability participation in its boards and all the activities. In this process the organization had evolved Gender policy to ensure equal participation and discrimination free to the women in the organization.
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